Does Wisdom Lean Left?

Photo credit: CBS News

“No wise liberal has ever thought that liberalism is all of wisdom…. Liberalism isn’t a political theory applied to life.  It’s what we know about life applied to a political theory”

Adam Gopnik, A Thousand Small Sanities

Readers of my posts thus far will certainly have noticed my tendency to juxtapose the wisdom of Barack Obama to the stunning unwisdom of Donald Trump.  

Which raises the question:  what is the political valence of wisdom as I’ve come to understand it?  Or, more pointedly, does wisdom lean left?

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Reflection Time

Photo: geralt

Our challenge, both as faculty and as administrators, is to make space for the wisdom of Eve II in an institution predicated on producing Eve I’s. 

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of participating in a deans retreat at American University’s Airlie conference center, hosted by our Provost, Dan Myers.

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